Highway Road, off Kangundo Road, Ruai, Nairobi
Any Questions?+254 113 658 693
Highway Road, off Kangundo Road, Ruai, Nairobi
Any Questions?
+254 113 658 693
Highway Road, off Kangundo Road, Ruai, Nairobi
Any Questions?+254 113 658 693

Boat Riding

Boat riding at the Lakes offers unique experience of witnessing the wading birds, different types of fish, aquatic animals like Hippos & Crocodiles and those that inhabits around the lakes like the Waterbucks, Beevers etc. Sunset on the lakes are so stunning as well.

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Lake Bogoria

Lake Bogoria is a saline, alkaline lake and lies just south of Lake Baringo in the Kenyan Rift Valley.

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Lake Nakuru National Park

Nakuru National Park, the park most famous for the colonies of flamingos that live on the shores of the park’s Lake Nakuru. Lake Nakuru Park Kenya is a premium game park, one of only three in the country and one of the most visited game parks in Kenya.

(1 Review)

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